1099 Filing
If your business made payments for services performed for a trade or business by people not treated as its employees you may need to file Form 1099-MISC. Usually, businesses file Form 1099-MISC when they need to report miscellaneous income for payments of $600 by people not treated as its employees. Common 1099-MISC filing examples include:
- Substitute dividends and tax-exempt interest payments reportable by brokers.
- Fees to subcontractors or directors and golden parachute payments.
- Fish purchases paid in cash for resale.
- Gross proceeds paid to attorneys.
- Crop insurance proceeds.
1099 Filing Requirements
E-File Threshold
The newly released IRS regulations have lowered the threshold for having to electronically file forms from 250 to 10 for this filing season. This new regulation includes the total for all aggregated forms filed.
Federal Transmittal
In addition to filing Form 1099-MISC to the IRS, you may be required to file a transmittal (cover sheet). If you are sending paper copies to the IRS you will need to include Form 1096. This transmittal is not required if you are filing electronically.
1099 Copies
If your business is required to file Form 1099-MISC, you will need to provide multiple copies. To avoid penalties, make sure to send the correct copy to the correct audience (when applicable).
Copy A
For Social Security Administration
Copy B
Filed with Employee's Federal Tax Return
Copy C
For Employee's Record
Copy D
For Employer
Copy 1
For State, City, Local Tax Department
Copy 2
Filed with Employee's State, City Local Income Tax Return